Carryotic Frequently Asked Questions

Carryotic Frequently Asked Questions. Productivity and social platform for team workflow management

FAQs About Carryotic

What is Carryotic?

Carryotic is a combined productivity and social platform designed to help teams efficiently manage their workflow with a straightforward and distinctive user interface, backed by AI technology for time-saving and improved collaboration.

How do I use Carryotic?

To start using Carryotic, you need to sign up for free, set up your workspace, organize your projects, assign tasks, and communicate with your team. The AI assistant, Darci, is there to enhance your productivity by providing personalized assistance.

Is Carryotic free to use?

Yes, during the beta phase, all of Carryotic's features are available for free. Users can explore the platform at no cost.

How does Darci, the AI assistant, improve productivity?

Darci assists with creating work plans, gathering information, offering project guidance, and providing tailored communication. This AI-driven support ensures real-time data access and personalized assistance in managing your tasks.

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