Scribo Pronto: AI-Assisted Grading Simplified - Streamline your grading tasks with AI assistance. Simplify and enhance your grading process effortlessly.
Revolutionize language transcription with our Real-Time Transcription Helper. Easily transcribe any language, even those without support. Get accurate results instantly! is an AI Scrum Master designed specifically for agile teams. It provides instant meeting summaries, documents action items, and keeps the board up-to-date with ticket suggestions. AI Scrum Master for agile teams. Instant meeting summaries, action item documentation, and ticket updates to streamline your workflow.
Boost productivity with Oracle: AI-Powered Knowledgebase Tool. Instant answers, seamless integration with Slack, Google Docs, and Confluence. Streamline your workflow!
DocsGPT: AI-Powered Content Creation & Editing in Google Docs - Revolutionize your workflow with seamless and efficient content creation and editing in Google Docs.