AI chats from media for faster learning and insights.
Easily learn multiple languages with A.I. Tutors.
AI and cognitive science ensure A* at A Level.
YouLearn is an AI tutor platform that helps personalize education with summaries and study resources.
Learn AI skills through curated online courses.
"Super Teacher offers unlimited private lessons in various subjects for children aged 3-8, surpassing the effectiveness of private tutors."
Steppit is an online platform for creating, selling and learning step-by-step guides and courses.
Fun AI learning for kids
Engaging online platform teaching key competencies for future jobs.
A vast collection of free AI resources.
"Airport Pianos website helps airports acquire pianos through donations."
Personalized learning made fun and easy.
Supadocs is a programming platform with AI tutor for interactive and personalized learning.
Readyy is an AI app for reading practice and improvement, with speed training and skill comparison.
AI-powered learning platform
Create step-by-step guides, videos, and screenshots effortlessly.
Artificial Intelligence Courses Aggregator