Wyndy Introduction

Wyndy Introduction. Stay connected effortlessly with Wyndy! Manage contacts, schedule follow-ups, and stay on top of tasks with our intuitive Pingboard. Make every connection count.

Wyndy Website screenshot

What is Wyndy?

Wyndy is a comprehensive relationship management platform designed to help users efficiently manage their contacts and follow-ups. It features a daily Pingboard that refreshes regularly, enabling users to concentrate on high-priority tasks and nurture productive relationships.

How to use Wyndy?

Using Wyndy is simple and intuitive. Here’s how you can get started: 1. Register for Wyndy with your Gmail account. 2. Integrate your Gmail accounts to consolidate all your emails. 3. Wyndy will automatically generate your contact list and import their email histories. 4. The Pingboard displays a prioritized list for daily follow-ups. 5. Utilize interactive lists in the Pingboard to manage additional tasks. 6. Leverage the AI assistant to swiftly and effectively draft emails.