Wyndy Frequently Asked Questions

Wyndy Frequently Asked Questions. Stay connected effortlessly with Wyndy! Manage contacts, schedule follow-ups, and stay on top of tasks with our intuitive Pingboard. Make every connection count.

FAQ from Wyndy

What is Wyndy?

Wyndy is a relationship management platform designed to help users maintain connections with their contacts and handle follow-ups efficiently. It features a daily Pingboard that regularly updates to assist users in focusing on critical tasks and fostering productive relationships.

How to use Wyndy?

To get started with Wyndy, follow these easy steps:
1. Sign up with your Gmail account.
2. Connect your Gmail accounts to centralize your emails.
3. Wyndy will automatically create your contacts and import their email history.
4. The Pingboard provides a prioritized daily follow-up list.
5. Use interactive lists in the Pingboard for managing other tasks.
6. Utilize the AI assistant to draft emails quickly and efficiently.

What is Beta?

Beta is the preliminary public release of an app. Users who join the Beta program will be among the first to use Wyndy and provide feedback to help enhance the app.

How much does Wyndy cost?

During the Beta phase, Wyndy is free to use. The pricing for the post-Beta version has yet to be determined, but there will always be a free version available for individual users.

What is a ping?

A ping is a brief communication similar to an email, allowing quick check-ins or follow-ups with contacts. It is an efficient way to stay in touch.

Why does Wyndy need access to my Google account?

Wyndy needs access to your Google account to automatically manage your email history, create contacts, and provide a seamless user experience, eliminating the need for manual administrative tasks.

What kind of support is available?

Wyndy offers in-app chat support, enabling users to ask questions and communicate directly with the product team.