Wonder Dynamics Frequently Asked Questions

Wonder Dynamics Frequently Asked Questions. Create stunning live-action CG animations effortlessly with Wonder Dynamics. No motion capture or costly gear needed—just a camera and our AI tool.

FAQ from Wonder Dynamics

What is Wonder Dynamics?

Wonder Dynamics is an AI-powered tool that automates the animation, lighting, and compositing of CG characters into live-action scenes, eliminating the need for traditional motion capture and complex 3D software.

How to use Wonder Dynamics?

Upload your CG character model to a shot or scene, and the system will automatically track cuts and actor movements, transferring the actor's performance to the CG character and automating the animation, lighting, and compositing processes.

What are the core features of Wonder Dynamics?

The core features include automatic animation, lighting, and compositing, elimination of motion capture and complex software, easy upload and tracking of CG models, automated detection of cuts and movements, performance transfer to CG characters, and compatibility with existing VFX workflows.

What are the use cases for Wonder Dynamics?

Wonder Dynamics can be used to effortlessly create VFX shots, integrate CG characters into live-action scenes, streamline the animation process, and save time and resources typically spent on motion capture and detailed VFX work.