Whoz Extension Frequently Asked Questions

Whoz Extension Frequently Asked Questions. Capture LinkedIn profiles effortlessly with Whoz Extension - the Chrome tool designed for seamless profile data extraction and organization in just one click.

FAQ for Whoz Extension - Chrome Extension

What is Whoz Extension?

The Whoz Extension is designed to automatically capture LinkedIn profiles and add them to your Whoz CV library.

How do I use Whoz Extension?

1. Install the extension from your browser’s extension store. 2. Log into your Whoz account on a workspace page (starting with https://www.whoz.com/workspace/). 3. Click on the extension icon to confirm the setup. 4. On LinkedIn, open a profile and click the extension again to save it to your CV library.

How can I install the extension?

You can install the Whoz Extension by searching for it in your browser’s extension store and following the installation instructions.