WebWhiz Introduction

WebWhiz Introduction. WebWhiz is a platform that allows you to train ChatGPT on your website data and build a chatbot that can be added to your website. It eliminates the need for coding and enables your chatbot to instantly answer customer queries.

WebWhiz Website screenshot

What is WebWhiz?

WebWhiz is an innovative platform designed to train ChatGPT on your website's data, allowing you to create a personalized chatbot. This eliminates the need for coding expertise, enabling your chatbot to provide immediate responses to customer inquiries.

How to Use WebWhiz?

Using WebWhiz is simple: 1. Add Your Website: Enter your website URL to initiate the process. WebWhiz will automatically gather and prepare the data for training. 2. Train ChatGPT: The platform will train ChatGPT on your website data according to the parameters you set, creating the chatbot for you. 3. Embed on Website: Insert a JavaScript script tag into your website to integrate the chatbot seamlessly.