WebWhiz Features

WebWhiz Features. WebWhiz is a platform that allows you to train ChatGPT on your website data and build a chatbot that can be added to your website. It eliminates the need for coding and enables your chatbot to instantly answer customer queries.

WebWhiz's Core Features

WebWhiz offers the following core features: 1. Easy Integration: Create, train, and add the chatbot to your website in just a few minutes. 2. Data-Specific Responses: The chatbot provides accurate answers based on your website's data. 3. Regular Data Updates: WebWhiz regularly crawls your website, ensuring the chatbot is always trained on the latest data. 4. No Code Builder: Build your chatbot without any coding knowledge—just add a script tag to your website. 5. Customizable Appearance: Adjust the chatbot's appearance to match your website's theme. 6. Fine Tuning: Further improve the chatbot's performance through the project dashboard.

WebWhiz's Use Cases

WebWhiz can be applied in various scenarios, including: 1. E-commerce: Provide instant customer support by addressing product-related queries. 2. Service Industries: Help customers with questions about the services you offer. 3. Informational Websites: Assist visitors in finding specific information or navigating your site. 4. Online Communities: Offer quick responses to community members seeking help. 5. Content Publishing: Respond to readers' questions and provide additional information about your content.