Typedesk Introduction

Typedesk Introduction. typedesk is a canned responses app that works everywhere. It allows users to automate keyboard typing and improve consistency across messages. With its text shortcuts, typedesk can be used on various apps and websites including Gmail, Zendesk, Helpscout, and Facebook.

typedesk Website screenshot

What is typedesk?

typedesk is a versatile app designed to streamline your communication with canned responses. It helps automate typing tasks, ensuring uniformity in your messages. With typedesk's text shortcuts, you can efficiently manage responses across various platforms like Gmail, Zendesk, Helpscout, and Facebook.

How to use typedesk?

To utilize typedesk, create custom text shortcuts for the responses you use most frequently. These shortcuts can be adapted for all your applications and websites. Practice with the provided playground to explore its features. Install typedesk on Windows or Mac, or use it as a browser extension. Share your canned responses with your team to maintain consistency in your communications.