Features Features. is the world's first real-time social media segmentation system that allows businesses to predict and influence customer behavior. By analyzing social, mobile, and web activity, provides insights into customer personas, places, and behaviors through its PersonaLive™ and Proximity datasets.

Core Features of

PersonaLive™: Detailed segmentation of individuals based on their social, mobile, and online behavior

Proximity: Analysis of locations by the type and speed of nearby social activities

Geosocial Segmentation: Categorize people and places by actual behavior rather than traditional demographics and surveys

Real-Time Behavioral Insights: Utilize a continuous panel of over 200 million consumers for data-driven decisions

Campaign Strategy: Create data-backed strategies and optimize ad spend on targeted audiences

Mobile Visitation Segmentation: Understand the behavior of visitors to physical locations

Customer Segmentation: Classify individuals based on their behavior, moving beyond simple demographics

Omnichannel & Ecommerce: Integrate online and offline retail strategies

Social Media Audience Activation: Activate users on social media based on specific behavioral characteristics

Real-Time Activation: Respond instantly to trending content and audience interests

Consumer Insights: Discover local opinions and behaviors in various neighborhoods

Site Selection: Evaluate retail and social behaviors to choose optimal locations

Use Cases for

Campaign Strategy

Mobile Visitation Segmentation

Customer Segmentation

Omnichannel & Ecommerce

Social Media Audience Activation

Real-Time Activation

Consumer Insights

Site Selection