Slacksift: Simplify Slack Threads for Faster Catch-Up and Responses

Slacksift: Enhance your Slack efficiency! Quickly catch up on threads and respond faster with this streamlined app for seamless communication.

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Slacksift: Simplify Slack Threads for Faster Catch-Up and Responses
Directory : Summarizer

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What is Slacksift?

Slacksift is a powerful tool designed to streamline your Slack threads, making it easier and quicker to stay updated and respond to conversations.

How to use Slacksift?

To get started with Slacksift, add the app to your Slack workspace. Then, type '@slacksift setup' in any channel, thread, or workspace to access payment options. Use the command '@slacksift summarise' within threads to receive a concise summary of the discussions.

Slacksift Support Email & Customer Service Contact

For customer service, you can reach Slacksift at: [email protected].

  • Slacksift Company Information

    Company Name: Slacksift, Inc.

  • Slacksift on Twitter

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  • FAQ from Slacksift

    What is Slacksift?

    Slacksift is a tool designed to simplify Slack threads, helping you catch up and respond more efficiently.

    How to use Slacksift?

    Install the app in your Slack workspace, use '@slacksift setup' to access payment options, and '@slacksift summarise' to get conversation summaries.

    How do I use Slacksift?

    After installing the app, type '@slacksift setup' to set up payment options and '@slacksift summarise' for thread summaries.

    What is included in the Slacksift Yearly License?

    The yearly license includes unlimited usage, 100,000 free tokens annually, 48-hour support response time, and detailed invoices for easy reimbursement.

    How much does the Slacksift Yearly License cost?

    The Slacksift Yearly License is priced at €99.99 per year.

    Is there a money-back guarantee?

    Yes, there is a 14-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the service.