Sharly AI Frequently Asked Questions

Sharly AI Frequently Asked Questions. Sharly AI: Chat with Any Documents and PDFs Instantly - Effortlessly interact with documents and PDFs. Upload, ask, and get instant answers!

Frequently Asked Questions about Sharly AI

What is Sharly AI?

Sharly AI is an AI-driven platform that enables users to chat with any document or PDF, making it easy to retrieve specific information and summaries.

How does Sharly AI work?

Sharly AI uses advanced algorithms to analyze the content of documents and PDFs, allowing users to interact with their files in a conversational manner.

What types of documents are supported by Sharly AI?

Sharly AI supports over 50 different document types, including PDFs, XML files, and CSV files.

Is Sharly AI secure?

Yes, Sharly AI is built on a secure infrastructure with strict data access controls and encryption, ensuring the safety of your data.

Can I customize Sharly AI's behavior?

Yes, Sharly AI offers customization options that allow you to tailor the AI's responses and interactions to suit your specific needs.