SearchUnify Introduction

SearchUnify Introduction. SearchUnify: AI-powered search & analytics for superior support. Enhance customer experiences with smart search, insights, and seamless app integration.

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What is SearchUnify?

SearchUnify is a comprehensive cognitive platform designed to enhance enterprise search, provide valuable insights, and power AI-driven applications for improved customer support and self-service. By offering advanced search analytics, intelligent search, and seamless enterprise search capabilities, it aims to elevate the customer support experience. The platform seamlessly integrates with various applications, including Salesforce, Zendesk, Dynamics 365, Khoros, SharePoint, among others. Leveraging its cognitive search technology, SearchUnify boosts information discoverability, facilitates proactive decision-making, and equips customer support professionals and knowledge workers with top-notch tools.

How to Use SearchUnify?

To leverage SearchUnify, businesses should integrate it with their current support systems or applications. Once integration is complete, the platform offers unified access to enterprise data, allowing users to efficiently search across multiple sources. The intelligent search feature enhances relevancy, ensuring fast and accurate results. Additionally, the search analytics feature provides insights into user behavior and search trends, aiding businesses in refining their support strategies. The platform also includes AI-powered applications like SearchUnify Virtual Assistant (SUVA), Agent Helper, and Knowbler for advanced customer support and knowledge management.