Obiklip Features

Obiklip Features. Obiklip simplifies video editing for speech and podcast content. Offering auto-transcription and .srt file support, find and clip interesting segments with ease.

Obiklip's Core Features

Auto-Transcribe Video:

Automatically transform spoken words in videos into text, facilitating the identification of key segments.

Easily Skim to Create Clip:

Quickly navigate through the transcript to mark and create new clips effortlessly.

Editable Lines:

Modify the auto-generated transcript lines to ensure accuracy.

Audio Preview Each Line:

Listen to the audio for each transcript line to aid in precise editing.

Unlimited Clip Creation:

Create an unlimited number of clips without any restrictions.

Quick Export Video:

Export your clips swiftly, saving valuable time in post-production.

Audio Preview Clip:

Preview the audio for your selected clips before finalizing them.

Bulk Export Videos:

Export multiple clips in one go, streamlining your workflow.

Save as SRT:

Export your transcriptions as .srt files for easy subtitle integration.

Export Clip Data:

Save clip information in various formats like JSON, Text, and CSV for flexibility and compatibility.

Dark Mode Available:

Use the software comfortably in any lighting condition with the optional dark mode.

Obiklip's Use Cases

Video Editing for Speech Content

Video Editing for Podcast Content