Morgen Features

Morgen Features. Morgen: Your unified calendar, task manager, and scheduler. Sync all your to-dos across Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iOS. Manage everything in one place!

Key Features of Morgen

Unified Calendar

Combine and oversee multiple calendars effortlessly.

Advanced Scheduling

Arrange meetings, block time for important activities, and manage your availability.

Integrated Task Management

Create and synchronize to-do lists, scheduling tasks directly within your calendar.

Developer APIs

(Alpha) Extend and customize Morgen's capabilities with developer APIs.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

Available on Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iOS.

CalDav Integration

Seamless integration with CalDav calendars.

Multi-Device Support

Utilize Morgen across various devices and operating systems.

Who Can Benefit from Morgen?


Perfect for anyone looking to consolidate and manage their calendars and to-dos in one place.


Ideal for scheduling meetings and allocating time for crucial tasks.

Teams and Businesses

An excellent time management solution to boost productivity.

Busy Individuals

Helps manage availability and avoid scheduling conflicts.

Productivity Enthusiasts

For those who want to integrate multiple productivity apps for improved time management.

Multi-Device Users

Access your calendars and tasks from any device, anytime.