Laxis - Chrome Extension Features

Laxis - Chrome Extension Features. Laxis Chrome Extension: The AI meeting assistant for Google Meet. Capture, transcribe, and organize meeting notes effortlessly. Boost productivity with ease!

Key Features of Laxis AI Chrome Extension

Real-time transcription

Laxis captures everything discussed during your Google Meet, providing real-time text that is easy to follow.

Speaker identification

Laxis can recognize different speakers, making it easier to track who said what during meetings.

In-meeting tagging

You can tag critical moments or statements in real time, helping you recall or emphasize important discussions.

Cloud auto-saving

All your meeting transcripts are saved automatically to the cloud, ensuring easy access whenever needed.

Practical Use Cases for Laxis AI Chrome Extension

Transcribing Google Meet sessions

Record and transcribe every conversation held in Google Meet with full accuracy.

Highlighting key moments in meetings

Use the in-meeting highlight feature to mark significant points in the discussion.

Searching across transcripts