Latitude Frequently Asked Questions

Latitude Frequently Asked Questions. Latitude is a data workspace that helps analysts streamline their workflow and build interactive data apps quickly.

Latitude FAQ

What is Latitude?

Latitude is a data workspace that streamlines analysts' workflows and facilitates the quick creation of interactive data applications.

How to use Latitude?

Connect your data sources, model and analyze the data, build dashboards and reports, collaborate with others, and generate insights.

What are the core features of Latitude?

Core features include easy data source connections, streamlined workflows, a collaborative canvas, high-speed querying data snapshots, a data profiler, an AI assistant for SQL queries, interactive data apps, chart annotations, and dbt integration.

What are the main use cases of Latitude?

Latitude is used for streamlining data analysis, building interactive data apps, generating insights, collaborating with team members, and enhancing data workflow efficiency.

Is there a free trial available?

Yes, you can start a free trial to explore the features of Latitude.