Label Studio Features

Label Studio Features. Label Studio is an open-source data labeling tool designed to prepare training data for computer vision, natural language processing, speech, voice, and video models. It offers flexibility for labeling all types of data.

Key Features of Label Studio

Flexible data annotation for various data types

Supports computer vision, NLP, speech, and video models

Customizable tags and annotation templates

Integration with ML/AI workflows via webhooks, Python SDK, and API

ML-assisted annotation with backend integration

Connectivity to cloud storage services (S3 and GCP)

Advanced data management features

Support for multiple projects and users

Trusted by a large community of data scientists

Label Studio Use Cases

Preparing training data for computer vision models

Preparing training data for NLP models

Preparing training data for speech and voice models

Preparing training data for video models

Classification of images, audio, text, and time series data

Object detection and tracking in images and videos

Semantic segmentation of images

Speaker diarization and emotion recognition in audio

Audio transcription

Document classification and named entity extraction

Question answering and sentiment analysis

Time series analysis and event recognition

Dialogue processing and optical character recognition

Multi-domain applications requiring various data annotations

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  • About Label Studio

    Label Studio is a product of HumanSignal, Inc. For more details, visit the about us page.

  • Label Studio Pricing

    For pricing information, visit the pricing page.

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