FitMate Frequently Asked Questions

FitMate Frequently Asked Questions. FitMate: a personalized fitness app using AI to reach fitness goals without compromise.

Frequently Asked Questions About FitMate

What exactly is FitMate?

FitMate is an innovative fitness app that offers personalized workout routines and tools to help users achieve their fitness goals. It is suitable for users at all levels who desire a flexible and customized fitness experience. FitMate prioritizes your privacy, functioning entirely offline without collecting any personal data.

How do I begin using FitMate?

To start using FitMate, download it from the App Store by scanning the provided QR code. After installation, open the app and begin your fitness journey immediately. FitMate’s user-friendly design allows you to easily choose your workout preferences and track your progress over time.

Are the workouts effective?

Yes, FitMate’s comprehensive exercise library is curated from trusted sources and has been effective for users across various fitness levels and goals.

Is FitMate a social fitness platform?

No, FitMate is focused on individual fitness journeys and does not operate as a social platform. Your workout data is kept private and never shared.

Will my workout data be shared or stored?

Absolutely not. FitMate operates offline, ensuring that all your workout data remains on your device. Your privacy is fully protected.

How are the exercises chosen?

Exercises in FitMate’s library are carefully selected from reliable sources to ensure they are safe and effective for users.

Is there an age restriction for using FitMate?

FitMate is suitable for anyone interested in fitness, though it's recommended that users be of an appropriate age to handle physical exercise safely.

How was FitMate approved for the App Store?

FitMate adheres to all App Store guidelines, ensuring a safe, reliable, and high-quality experience for users.

Is there a fee to use FitMate?

No, FitMate is completely free to use. The goal is to make fitness accessible to everyone.

Can I suggest new features or exercises?

Absolutely! We welcome your feedback. Please contact us with any suggestions for exercises or features you would like to see in FitMate.