Face Crop Jet Introduction

Face Crop Jet Introduction. Face Crop Jet: AI-Powered tool effortlessly crops faces from photos for ID cards or passports. Advanced algorithms detect faces in any format or size, perfect for bulk processing.

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What is Face Crop Jet?

Face Crop Jet is an innovative tool designed for efficient face detection and cropping from photos, making them ideal for ID cards or passport photos. Utilizing cutting-edge AI technology, it automatically identifies and crops faces from various image formats and sizes, enabling bulk processing with ease.

How to use Face Crop Jet?

Using Face Crop Jet is straightforward. After downloading and installing the software on your computer, launch the program and choose the folder or device containing your photos. The software will automatically detect and crop faces from all images in the selected location. You can customize the crop shape and output size as per your requirements. The resulting images are perfect for ID cards or passport photos.