Dust - Smarter Teams with AI Features

Dust - Smarter Teams with AI Features. Dust is an AI assistant that combines large language models, updated company knowledge, collaboration applications, and an extensible platform to help teams craft better content, understand their environment, and make better decisions.

Dust - Smarter Teams with AI's Core Features

Access to GPT-4 and internal knowledge

Secure AI assistant with company knowledge

Unified and safe access to GPT-4

Break down knowledge silos

Share prompts and conversations with the team

Get documentation update suggestions

Build custom Large Language Model apps

Assistance with working with LLMs

Augmenting humans, not replacing them

Uncompromising data security and privacy

Solving hard problems on user experience and product quality

Dust - Smarter Teams with AI's Use Cases

Crafting better content

Understanding the environment faster

Making better decisions

Ramping up on generative AI

Building custom workflows

Improving documentation

Enhancing collaboration