Core Frequently Asked Questions

Core Frequently Asked Questions. Core is an efficient AI-powered communication platform for small teams with streamlined features.

Core FAQ

What is Core?

Core is an advanced AI-powered communication platform that serves as a successor to popular tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom. It provides a streamlined interface designed to boost productivity in small teams, offering improved visibility, efficient communication, and effective collaboration through features like video conferencing, app integrations, and a knowledge base, all within a lightweight package.

How do I use Core?

To use Core, simply register on their website. Once logged in, you can create or join teams, invite teammates, and start collaborating using the chat and channels. The AI-driven Buddy Bot assists with various tasks, including scheduling meetings via the integrated calendar, and providing access to essential company information.

Is Core suitable for larger teams?

Definitely! Core is built to accommodate teams of any size, making it an excellent choice for both small teams and larger organizations with over 100 members.

What makes Core stand out from other communication platforms?

Core's standout features include its streamlined interface, enhanced work visibility, AI-powered assistance, integrated calendar and knowledge base, lightweight design, and enterprise-grade security. These features make it a superior choice for teams seeking a more efficient and secure communication platform.