Chart Frequently Asked Questions

Chart Frequently Asked Questions. Streamline communications and enhance compliance with Chart – the ultimate tool to manage, monitor, and boost customer relations effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions about Chart

What is Chart?

Chart is a sophisticated tool for managing and analyzing company communications in real-time, ensuring compliance and improving customer-facing interactions across multiple channels.

How to use Chart?

To use Chart, register for a free trial, then integrate your communication channels like email, Slack, and SMS. Create automated rules to manage your messages. Chart is deployed in a secure, private cloud instance that you control.

What are the costs?

Our pricing is tailored to each customer's needs. Contact us for a detailed consultation!

What services does Chart offer?

Chart offers solutions for monitoring compliance, analyzing communication trends, preventing data leaks, and providing real-time sales advice. It's a comprehensive tool for managing diverse communication needs.

How does Chart work?

Chart allows you to enforce custom rules across your communication channels using machine learning models. These rules are applied automatically, and a unified dashboard provides an intuitive way to manage and edit them.

How can I contact Chart?

Enter your email in the form above, or visit our 'Contact Us' page to provide details about your specific needs.

Ready to optimize your business communications?

Start your free trial with Chart today!