AutoUnsubscribe Introduction

AutoUnsubscribe Introduction. AutoUnsubscribe is a service that automatically unsubscribes you from unwanted emails that you never open, allowing you to focus on important emails and saving you time and effort.

AutoUnsubscribe Website screenshot

What is AutoUnsubscribe?

AutoUnsubscribe is an innovative tool designed to help you declutter your inbox by automatically removing unwanted emails. It focuses on emails you consistently ignore, allowing you to pay attention to the emails that truly matter.

How to use AutoUnsubscribe?

To start using AutoUnsubscribe, link your email account through your provider's IMAP settings. Once connected, the service will track your inbox activity, identify unread emails, and mark them for potential unsubscription. You’ll receive notifications about these emails, giving you a chance to review and save any important subscriptions before they are automatically unsubscribed.