AutoUnsubscribe Frequently Asked Questions

AutoUnsubscribe Frequently Asked Questions. AutoUnsubscribe is a service that automatically unsubscribes you from unwanted emails that you never open, allowing you to focus on important emails and saving you time and effort.

FAQ from AutoUnsubscribe

What is AutoUnsubscribe?

AutoUnsubscribe is a service that helps you manage your email subscriptions by automatically unsubscribing from emails you don't read, ensuring you stay focused on important communications.

How to use AutoUnsubscribe?

To use AutoUnsubscribe, connect your email account via IMAP settings. The service will monitor your inbox and flag emails for unsubscription based on their unread status. You'll get notifications to review these before any action is taken.

How does AutoUnsubscribe work?

AutoUnsubscribe monitors your email activity, flags unread subscriptions, and automatically unsubscribes from them after your review. It can also automatically trash future emails from these senders.

Can I keep important subscriptions while using AutoUnsubscribe?

Yes, you can use the Keep List feature to ensure important subscriptions are not removed.

Are the unsubscribe links provided by AutoUnsubscribe genuine?

Yes, AutoUnsubscribe uses real unsubscribe links to permanently remove your email from the sender’s list.

How do I unsubscribe from emails with AutoUnsubscribe?

You can manage your subscriptions and unsubscribe from emails with just one click from the AutoUnsubscribe dashboard.

Will AutoUnsubscribe accidentally unsubscribe me from important subscriptions?

No, AutoUnsubscribe sends you notifications and provides options to retain important subscriptions before proceeding with the unsubscribe action.

Is my data protected with AutoUnsubscribe?

Yes, AutoUnsubscribe prioritizes your privacy and does not access or store the content of your emails. Your data is kept secure and is not shared with third parties.

Which email providers are supported by AutoUnsubscribe?

AutoUnsubscribe is compatible with any email service that supports IMAP, including Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, and more.