Applitools Frequently Asked Questions

Applitools Frequently Asked Questions. Applitools is an AI-powered visual testing & monitoring platform that offers a next-generation test automation platform powered by Visual AI. It helps to increase quality, accelerate delivery, and reduce costs in testing processes.

Frequently Asked Questions About Applitools

What is Applitools?

Applitools is an AI-driven platform designed for visual testing and monitoring. It enhances test automation through Visual AI, improving software quality, speeding up delivery, and reducing testing costs.

How to Use Applitools?

To effectively use Applitools, follow these steps: 1. Integrate it with your testing framework (Cypress, Selenium, Appium). 2. Utilize the SDKs to test across different platforms and document types. 3. Leverage advanced features for cross-browser testing, UI validation, and more. 4. Automate maintenance with AI tools, and fix bugs faster with Root Cause Analysis. 5. Ensure your UI is accessible and compliant. 6. Benefit from enhanced test efficiency and reliability.