Aigur Frequently Asked Questions

Aigur Frequently Asked Questions. Aigur: Effortlessly build multi-user Generative AI apps. Simplify requests, manage user plans, and ensure top-notch security. Explore features, pricing, and reviews now!

FAQ from Aigur

What is Aigur?

Aigur is a versatile platform designed to simplify the creation of multi-user Generative AI applications. It efficiently manages requests, user subscriptions, and security protocols on your behalf.

How to use Aigur?

To begin using Aigur, you need to register for a free account. Post-registration, you can effortlessly manage and track user subscriptions, create backend logic using a visual editor, and develop the frontend with Aigur's AI-centric component library. The platform also allows seamless integration with leading Generative AI engines via predefined connectors. Aigur ensures your application's security through robust enforcement strategies. You can easily scale your application by deploying additional instances via the dashboard or API and leverage automatic analytics for business insights.

How can I use Aigur?

To use Aigur, sign up for a free account. After signing up, manage user plans, build backend logic, develop the frontend, integrate with Generative AI engines, enforce application security, scale your application, and utilize analytics for insights.

What are the core features of Aigur?

Aigur's core features include streamlined user plan management, an intuitive visual editor for backend logic, an AI-focused component library for frontend development, a simple API for user flow management, preconfigured integrations with popular Generative AI engines, customizable backend logic pipelines, robust security enforcement, ready-to-use UI components, scalable architecture with load balancing, comprehensive automatic analytics, and detailed request history with rerun capabilities.

What are some use cases for Aigur?

Aigur is ideal for developing various multi-user Generative AI applications, such as chatbots, content creation tools, recommendation engines, creative AI projects, and more.

Is there a pricing plan for Aigur?

Aigur is completely free during its Beta phase. It plans to remain free for personal and hobby use with a generous free plan, though specific pricing details are yet to be announced.