WOMBO Frequently Asked Questions

WOMBO Frequently Asked Questions. Create stunning AI-powered art in seconds with WOMBO! Just enter a prompt, choose a style, and watch your idea transform into a unique masterpiece.


What is WOMBO?

WOMBO is a cutting-edge platform that uses AI to create beautiful artwork. Users enter a prompt and select an art style to see WOMBO Dream transform their idea into an AI-generated painting within seconds.

How to Use WOMBO?

To use WOMBO, follow these steps: 1. Log in to the website. 2. Enter a prompt describing your idea. 3. Choose an art style from the options provided. 4. Click 'Generate' to watch WOMBO Dream create a stunning painting from your prompt.

1. Can I use my own images as prompts?

Currently, WOMBO only supports text-based prompts. Images cannot be directly used as prompts.

2. How long does it take to generate the artwork?

WOMBO Dream generates AI-powered paintings in seconds, offering a quick and efficient creation process.

3. Are there any limitations on the number of artworks I can generate?

There are generally no restrictions on the number of artworks you can create, though specific usage policies may apply.

4. Can I download and print the generated artwork?

Yes, WOMBO allows users to download their AI-generated artwork, making it easy to print and use as desired.

5. Is it possible to customize the art style further?

WOMBO offers a set range of art styles to choose from, with limited options for further customization at this time.