WINN.AI Features

WINN.AI Features. WINN.AI is an AI assistant for salespeople that handles sales busywork, such as taking meeting notes and updating CRM, allowing salespeople to focus on selling.

WINN.AI's Core Features

Real-time meeting note capturing

Automated data capture

Seamless CRM updates

Real-time playbook tracking

Real-time sales insights

WINN.AI's Use Cases

Streamlining sales tools

Improving CRM hygiene

Efficient onboarding for new account executives

Consistent and aligned sales playbook adoption

Enhancing customer conversations with real-time sales insights

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    For customer support, please contact WINN.AI at: [email protected].

  • About WINN.AI

    To learn more about WINN.AI, visit our About Us page.

  • Sign Up for WINN.AI

    Ready to get started? Sign up here: WINN.AI Sign Up.

  • WINN.AI Pricing

    For pricing information, please visit: WINN.AI Pricing.

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