WebWise ChatGPT - Chrome Extension Introduction

WebWise ChatGPT - Chrome Extension Introduction. WebWise ChatGPT - Chrome Extension: The ultimate tool for seamless browsing, enhancing your web experience with AI-powered insights and effortless interaction.

WebWise ChatGPT - Chrome Extension Website screenshot

What is the WebWise ChatGPT Chrome Extension?

The WebWise ChatGPT Chrome Extension offers seamless access to ChatGPT without needing an API, allowing users to interact directly with ChatGPT from their browser toolbar or navigation bar. It also integrates with search engines to provide real-time answers. Additionally, the extension ensures long-lasting ChatGPT sessions for uninterrupted browsing and usage.

How to Use the WebWise ChatGPT Chrome Extension?

To get started, log into chat.openai.com, then launch ChatGPT directly from the toolbar or type 'gpt' in the browser’s navigation bar. The extension also supports fetching ChatGPT responses from search engine results, and users can quickly run the tool from the context menu. For extended use, it sends periodic pings to maintain session activity.