WebWise ChatGPT - Chrome Extension Frequently Asked Questions

WebWise ChatGPT - Chrome Extension Frequently Asked Questions. WebWise ChatGPT - Chrome Extension: The ultimate tool for seamless browsing, enhancing your web experience with AI-powered insights and effortless interaction.

FAQs About the WebWise ChatGPT Chrome Extension

What is WebWise ChatGPT?

WebWise ChatGPT is a browser extension that allows quick access to ChatGPT without an API, letting users interact with it via the toolbar, navigation bar, and search engines. It also keeps ChatGPT sessions active for uninterrupted usage.

How do I use WebWise ChatGPT?

Simply log into chat.openai.com and access ChatGPT from your browser toolbar or by typing 'gpt' in the address bar. You can also retrieve ChatGPT answers from search results or use the context menu for easy queries.

Facing login issues?

If you encounter login errors, try refreshing the page as traffic surges might cause temporary issues.