WebSpellChecker Frequently Asked Questions

WebSpellChecker Frequently Asked Questions. WebSpellChecker: Enhance your web apps with real-time online grammar and spelling correction solutions. Ensure error-free content effortlessly.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is WebSpellChecker?

WebSpellChecker offers online solutions for grammar checking and spelling corrections, specifically designed for web platforms.

How to Use WebSpellChecker?

Integrate WProofreader components easily into web apps, HTML controls, and WYSIWYG editors. Alternatively, install it as a browser extension or use the grammar check API.

What Languages Does WebSpellChecker Support?

WebSpellChecker supports over 20 languages, including English, German, and Spanish.

How Does WebSpellChecker Ensure Data Security?

Data is encrypted in transit using the TLS protocol. For enhanced security, on-premise deployment options are available.

What Support Does WebSpellChecker Provide?

WebSpellChecker offers prompt responses within a business day for sales and technical inquiries, along with guided installation support when needed.