Vocol AI Frequently Asked Questions

Vocol AI Frequently Asked Questions. Vocol AI: High Accuracy Voice-to-Text AI Meeting Software. Transcribe meetings with precision and enhance team collaboration by sharing insights instantly.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Vocol AI?

Vocol AI is a collaborative meeting software that uses AI to transcribe spoken words into text with high accuracy, enabling efficient sharing of meeting insights and actionable information.

How do I use Vocol AI?

To use Vocol AI, follow these steps: 1. Sign up for a free trial account. 2. Upload your meeting recordings or connect Vocol AI to your meeting platforms. 3. The software will transcribe and summarize the audio, identifying key topics and insights. 4. Share the transcriptions, summaries, and insights with your team. 5. Use the analytics tools to gain further insights and track performance.

How many V-points do I receive upon creating a Vocol AI account?

Every new account is awarded 200 V-points. One V-point is used to transcribe one minute of audio.

What languages are supported by Vocol AI?

Vocol AI supports English, Chinese, and Japanese, with plans to add more languages in the future.

What payment methods are accepted?

Vocol AI accepts payments via debit/credit card. Wire transfers are available for business licenses.