Frequently Asked Questions Frequently Asked Questions. Your online LLM for factually correct, reliable information—every time. Elevate your knowledge with precision and trust.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is is a state-of-the-art online language model providing accurate information.

How to use

Sign up, then use API calls to receive real-time search results.

How quickly will I receive a result?

Most queries are resolved within 3 to 4 seconds, though complex searches may take slightly longer.

How many queries can I submit per minute?

The default rate limit is 20 queries per minute, adjustable based on specific needs.

Are the queries made in real-time?

Yes, queries multiple websites live, ensuring the most up-to-date results without caching.

What is your refund policy?

Full refunds are available within 7 days of purchase, provided less than 20% of credits have been used.