Traq.AI Features

Traq.AI Features. Traq.AI is an AI-driven conversation intelligence platform designed for sales teams. It records and transcribes sales calls, extracts valuable buyer insights, identifies competitors and obstacles, and provides note-taking and pipeline visibility features.'s Core Features

Call recording: Captures and transcribes sales calls for detailed analysis

Conversation intelligence: Derives essential buyer insights from sales interactions

AI note-taking: Automatically creates follow-up emails and comprehensive reports

Pipeline visibility: Offers clear visibility into sales pipelines

Sales enablement: Utilizes customer feedback to enhance sales enablement resources

Risk analysis: Evaluates deals to identify potential risks

Competitor analysis: Detects competitors mentioned by buyers's Use Cases

Sales leaders: Monitor team performance, provide coaching, and boost sales effectiveness

Sales reps: Streamline the sales process, understand buyer needs better, and close more deals

RevOps: Enhance sales and revenue operations through conversation insights

Recruiting: Enhance listening skills and improve sales recruitment

B2B Insurance: Simplify claims processing and support insurance business operations