Pippin Chrome Extension Introduction

Pippin Chrome Extension Introduction. The Pippin Chrome Extension is a GPT prototype for a job search assistant. It is built using OpenAI's GPT API and aims to generate professional bios, evaluate job listings for personal fit, and create custom cover letters tailored to individual roles.

The Pippin Chrome Extension Website screenshot

Understanding The Pippin Chrome Extension

The Pippin Chrome Extension is a groundbreaking job search assistant prototype powered by OpenAI's GPT technology. This extension is designed to assist users in crafting professional bios, analyzing job listings for compatibility, and generating personalized cover letters for specific roles.

How to Utilize The Pippin Chrome Extension?

1. Navigate to the ChatGPT website and sign in. 2. Ensure you are logged into your LinkedIn account within the same browser. 3. Access the Pippin's Help extension from the browser menu. 4. Select the desired tab: Bio, Role Fit, or Cover Letter. 5. Click on the Generate button to create new content tailored to your needs.