Terrakotta Frequently Asked Questions

Terrakotta Frequently Asked Questions. Boost your cold outreach with Terrakotta: an AI-powered web-phone engineered for seamless, successful connections. Perfect for sales and networking.

Terrakotta FAQ

What is Terrakotta?

Terrakotta is an AI web-phone designed for optimized cold outreach.

How to use Terrakotta?

To use Terrakotta, create an account, import your contacts, and start making calls. Personalize your voicemail messages with relevant details. Terrakotta offers analytics to track your outreach performance.

How does Terrakotta create personalized voicemails?

Terrakotta employs AI algorithms to analyze contact details and generate tailored voicemails.

Can I monitor the effectiveness of my outreach?

Yes, Terrakotta provides analytics and reporting to evaluate your cold outreach campaigns.

Is it possible to import my existing contacts into Terrakotta?

Yes, you can import and manage your contacts within the Terrakotta platform.