Talki Guru Features

Talki Guru Features. Talki Guru is a revolutionary platform that utilizes AI Voice Generation and AI Lipsync technology to create videos with lifelike voices and perfectly synchronized lip movements. It brings your words to life and offers seamless lip-sync in every frame, resulting in breathtakingly realistic and human-like speech.

Talki Guru's Core Features

AI Voice Generation

AI LipSync Video Creation

Text-to-Speech Transformation

Neural and Generative AI Voices

Comprehensive SSML Support

Multiple Audio Formats Available

850+ Voices in Over 140 Languages

Customizable Voice and Speech Settings

Talki Guru's Use Cases

Content Creation (Podcasts, YouTube Videos, Online Courses)

Film Production

Marketing and Advertising Campaigns

Storytelling Enhancements

Creating Personalized Video Messages

Adding Unique Elements to Social Media Posts