Superpower ChatGPT - Chrome Extension Frequently Asked Questions

Superpower ChatGPT - Chrome Extension Frequently Asked Questions. Superpower ChatGPT - Chrome Extension: Unlock advanced features for a smarter, faster, and more efficient ChatGPT experience with this powerful browser tool!

FAQ from Superpower ChatGPT - Chrome Extension

What is Superpower ChatGPT?

Superpower ChatGPT is a Chrome extension that offers enhanced features like a GPT Store, Image Gallery, and Voice GPT, improving chat management and allowing for better customization of your interactions.

How to use Superpower ChatGPT?

After installing the extension, you can start organizing your chats, using advanced tools to customize prompts, and take advantage of language support for more personalized conversations.

Does Superpower ChatGPT store user data?

Only public prompts, along with user names and email addresses, are stored on the server. All other data is securely kept on the user's local device.