Stride Introduction

Stride Introduction. Boost conversions with Stride—an AI-powered platform for high-quality leads, featuring email scraping, list building, and social media extraction.

Stride Website screenshot

What is Stride?

Stride is an advanced AI-powered platform designed to generate top-quality email leads that enhance your business’s conversion rates. It includes tools like Twitter and email scraping, email list generation, and the extraction of emails from social media platforms, ensuring you have access to high-value leads.

How to Use Stride?

To get started with Stride, utilize either the List Builder or the Scanner Tool. The List Builder allows you to gather emails from your current followers, while the Scanner Tool captures emails from new followers in real time. These collected emails are versatile and can be employed in various campaigns, such as boosting ecommerce sales, crafting newsletters, organizing events, acquiring accurate emails from large Crypto/NFT Projects, affiliate marketing, targeting high-risk industries, promoting digital services, and building a personal brand. Moreover, you can upload these lists to Google Ads or Facebook Ads for precision-targeted advertising.