Stride Frequently Asked Questions

Stride Frequently Asked Questions. Boost conversions with Stride—an AI-powered platform for high-quality leads, featuring email scraping, list building, and social media extraction.

FAQ from Stride

What is Stride?

Stride is an AI-driven email lead generation platform that provides high-quality leads to help drive business conversions. The platform offers various tools, including email scraping from Twitter, social media email extraction, and email list building.

How to use Stride?

You can use Stride by leveraging either the List Builder or the Scanner Tool. The List Builder gathers emails from existing followers, whereas the Scanner Tool collects emails from new followers in real-time. These email lists can be utilized in multiple ways, such as email marketing, newsletters, and targeting ads on platforms like Google and Facebook.

What is the difference between the List Builder and Scanner?

The List Builder is tailored to retrieve emails from your current followers, while the Scanner Tool is designed to capture emails from new followers as they come in.

How does STRIDE ensure the quality of email leads?

STRIDE employs advanced AI techniques like behavioral analysis, IP address checks, social network analysis, and content evaluation to filter out non-genuine accounts, ensuring that the email leads are of the highest quality.

How can I use the email addresses on your list?

The email addresses can be used for a variety of marketing activities, including email campaigns, newsletters, and can be uploaded to platforms like Facebook Custom Audience, Google Customer Match, Reddit Customer Lists, Twitter Custom Audiences, and LinkedIn Contact Targeting.

Do you include and leads?

Yes, STRIDE provides a diverse range of high-quality personal and business email leads, including those with domains.

Does STRIDE scrape data?

No, STRIDE does not engage in data scraping and advises against using services that offer scraping.

Can I resell an email list generated by STRIDE?

Yes, you are permitted to resell email lists generated by STRIDE.

What format are your email lists provided in?

The email lists are delivered in CSV format, making it easy to import them into various email marketing tools or CRM systems.

Can STRIDE acquire email leads from my competitors?

Yes, STRIDE can help you capture emails from your competitor's social media followers, which can be directed to your newsletters or marketing campaigns.

How can I purchase email addresses from your service?

To access our platform and purchase email addresses, please reach out to us through our contact page.