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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is Stable Diffusion Online?

Stable Diffusion Online is a powerful AI tool that converts text descriptions into images.

How do I use Stable Diffusion Online?

Simply enter a text prompt and click the Generate button to create your AI art.

What sets Stable Diffusion apart from other AI image generators?

Stable Diffusion provides extensive control over the output and can generate images from a wide variety of text inputs.

What dataset was used to train Stable Diffusion?

Stable Diffusion was trained on the 2b English language label subset of the LAION 5b dataset.

What GPUs are compatible with Stable Diffusion?

Most NVidia and AMD GPUs with 8GB or more memory can run Stable Diffusion.

How does the Stable Diffusion process work?

Stable Diffusion compresses an image into latent space, introduces noise to it, and then uses a trained model to reverse this process, reconstructing the image.

Can Stable Diffusion be used for commercial purposes?

Yes, you can use Stable Diffusion for both commercial and non-commercial purposes.