FAQ from Sniplet
What is Sniplet?
Sniplet allows users to 'deep search' podcasts to discover new shows, relevant snippets, and find segments related to specific questions or topics of interest.
How to use Sniplet?
Search through podcast episodes, jump to relevant snippets, and share key moments. Engage with episodes or podcasts directly via chat and share sniplets with friends.
How does it actually work?
Sniplet enables in-depth searches by allowing users to dive into specific snippets within podcasts.
Can't you just give me the transcript?
Sniplet offers more than just transcripts; it allows you to find and share relevant podcast segments easily.
How much does it cost?
Sniplet is currently free to use.
How long can I use it?
There are no usage time limits for Sniplet.
I'm a podcast creator interested in adding my podcast, who should I reach out to?
If you're a podcast creator looking to add your podcast to Sniplet, please contact our team.
How many chucks could a woodchuck chuck?
This question is playful; the answer varies based on many factors.
Who are you?
We are the team behind Sniplet, dedicated to enabling deep podcast searches.
Why did you build this?
Sniplet was created to help users discover and share relevant podcast snippets more effectively.