Smart Grader Plus Frequently Asked Questions

Smart Grader Plus Frequently Asked Questions. Smart Grader Plus Chrome Extension: The ultimate all-in-one grading tool for educators, streamlining assessments, feedback, and tracking with ease.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Smart Grader Plus Chrome Extension

What is Smart Grader Plus?

Smart Grader Plus is an advanced grading solution that simplifies the grading process for educators by incorporating AI-driven features such as Smart Annotations, AI detection, Plagiarism Check, and a Criteria Breakdown for thorough feedback.

How do I use Smart Grader Plus?

Simply upload your students' assignments, and the platform will take care of the rest, grading the submissions with precision and speed using its various built-in tools.

Can Smart Grader Plus grade different types of assignments?

Yes, the platform is flexible and supports a wide range of assignment types, from written essays to technical reports and problem sets.

Is there a restriction on how many assignments can be graded with Smart Grader Plus?

No, there is no limit. You can grade an unlimited number of assignments using Smart Grader Plus without any restrictions.