Serina Frequently Asked Questions

Serina Frequently Asked Questions. Serina is a comprehensive invoice processing solution that automates the end-to-end process of capturing, validating, and managing invoices. It helps businesses save time, improve accuracy, streamline processes, and comply with e-invoice and tax regulations.

Frequently Asked Questions about Serina - Automate Invoice Processing

What is Serina - Automate Invoice Processing?

Serina is a robust solution for automating the entire process of invoice capture, validation, and management, enhancing business efficiency and compliance with regulations.

How do you use Serina?

Follow these steps: log in to the storage sites for your invoices, download them in PDF, upload to Serina for classification and data extraction, verify invoices, notify stakeholders, submit data to ERPs, and use analytics for financial decisions.

What is Serina?

Serina is an automated invoice processing solution that covers end-to-end invoice management.

How does Serina operate?

Serina automates the collection, classification, and storage of invoices, scans PDFs for data extraction, allocates and categorizes invoices, and ensures accurate report generation while complying with tax regulations.

What features does Serina offer?

Features include automated invoice collection, PDF scanning and data extraction, digital allocation, accurate data aggregation, automated approval processes, compliance with regulations, streamlined accounts payable, cost and time savings, and elimination of manual data entry.

Who can benefit from Serina?

Serina is ideal for businesses looking to save time, streamline invoice processing, ensure compliance, improve data accuracy, and gain insights into spending patterns.