Secur3D Features

Secur3D Features. Secur3D is an AI-driven digital IP and copyright protection and moderation platform.

Secur3D's Core Features

Secur3D offers a cutting-edge asset moderation solution that enhances precision, speed, and efficiency, thereby minimizing reliance on manual moderation and cutting costs.

By examining specific characteristics of 3D meshes, Secur3D creates distinctive asset identifiers, facilitating swift and precise comparison across asset libraries.

Advanced algorithms are employed by Secur3D to scrutinize 2D texture maps, identifying instances of art theft, plagiarism, and unauthorized reuse within texture maps.

Secur3D utilizes sophisticated computer vision techniques to detect and flag inappropriate content automatically.

It also checks for brand mark and design infringements, providing a robust defense against brand and intellectual property violations.

Secur3D's AI models catalog and analyze the unique features of assets, which aids in the rapid creation of categories and descriptions for digital marketplaces.

Secur3D's Use Cases

Secur3D is ideal for protecting and securing content from user-generated content (UGC) creators, gaming platforms, and digital marketplaces against IP violations and copyright breaches.