ScribeFlows Frequently Asked Questions

ScribeFlows Frequently Asked Questions. ScribeFlows: Chat with multiple documents and generate content efficiently. Streamline your workflow and boost productivity with ease!

FAQ from ScribeFlows

What is ScribeFlows?

ScribeFlows enables chatting with multiple documents and generating content efficiently.

How to use ScribeFlows?

1. Sign up with ScribeFlows.
2. Chat with multiple documents.
3. Generate text automatically.
4. Use customizable templates.
5. Streamline your productivity.

Is ScribeFlows Free?

Yes. Free users can manage up to 5 files with a maximum size of 5MB each. Standard Plan users can handle up to 15 documents with a maximum size of 10MB, while Pro Plan users can manage 20+ documents with a maximum size of 20MB.

Are the files or documents secured?

Yes. We ensure the security of your files with industry-standard measures, including encrypted cloud storage. Users can also request complete data deletion at any time.

Is questioning multiple documents possible?

Yes! Our AI platform allows efficient questioning of multiple documents at once, providing quick and comprehensive insights.

How is ScribeFlows compatible with file formats?

ScribeFlows supports various file formats like DOCX, PDF, and TXT, allowing seamless import, editing, and export of documents.

What’s the next major feature for ScribeFlows?

ScribeFlows will introduce real-time document collaboration, including features like version control, commenting, and track changes to enhance team productivity.