Scite Features

Scite Features. scite is a platform that helps researchers discover and understand research articles by showing how they have been cited. It allows users to read the context of citation and understand if it provides supporting or contrasting evidence for the cited claim. With over 1.2 billion Smart Citations, researchers can find expert analyses and opinions on all topics.

scite's Core Features

scite offers several key features, including: - Smart Citations: This feature provides the context for each citation and indicates whether it supports or contradicts the referenced claim. - Citation Statements: Displays the exact context of citations, making it easier to explore related research. - Expert Analyses and Opinions: With access to a vast database of Smart Citations, researchers can find in-depth analyses and opinions across various fields. - Research Evaluation: Enables users to assess the validity of their references and detect any editorial notices, retractions, or conflicting evidence. - Dashboard and Notifications: Offers a centralized place to review multiple articles and receive updates on new citations related to their work.

scite's Use Cases

scite serves multiple purposes, such as: - Assisting in the discovery and comprehension of academic research. - Evaluating the credibility of references in scholarly papers. - Providing access to expert analyses on specific research topics. - Enhancing research outcomes for educational institutions and governmental bodies. - Boosting the visibility of publications for publishers. - Keeping corporate, pharmaceutical, and enterprise users informed about drug development, clinical trials, and treatment efficacy.