ReviewMy.Design Frequently Asked Questions

ReviewMy.Design Frequently Asked Questions. Get free UX/UI reviews with ReviewMy.Design! Expert designer Fred analyzes your site to enhance user experience and fix common design mistakes.

FAQ from ReviewMy.Design

What is ReviewMy.Design?

ReviewMy.Design is a platform offering free UX/UI reviews for websites, aiming to improve the internet by correcting common design errors. The reviews are carried out by Fred, a UX/UI expert with extensive experience.

How to use ReviewMy.Design?

Submit your website on ReviewMy.Design for a free UX/UI review. Fred will provide feedback and suggestions to help you enhance your site's design, leading to higher conversions.

Who will do the review?

The reviews are conducted by Fred, an experienced UX/UI designer.

What is the goal of this project?

The goal of ReviewMy.Design is to improve online user experience and gather data on frequent design mistakes. The best reviews are shared on their YouTube channel.

Is the review really free?

Yes, the UX/UI review provided by ReviewMy.Design is completely free of charge.

How long does it take to receive the review?

The time to receive your review varies based on submission volume. You will be notified once your site has been reviewed.